Friday, April 20, 2018

Popcorn, popcorn, popcorn

Thank you to all of the sweet kids who bought popcorn in this morning's Gourmet Popcorn day.

You bought 6 boxes of popcorn for you and your friends (West Haven Hawks are awesome friends), we are getting closer to meeting the fundraising goal for next years activities - yippee!👍

We will be starting our "second round" fundraiser next week.  This will be your chance to earn some extra time at field day.  NO LINES for you!!

We still have about 150 boxes of popcorn left to sell but WE CAN DO IT!!!!

This is the info from flyer that will be coming home.

Popcorn is $2 a bag and there are 30 in a box it comes in 3 flavors, carmel, cheddar and kettle (for a laugh try saying that 3 times fast when selling it).

Popcorn Fundraiser
(Round 2)

Want to win some extra time at Field Day?  
No lines, just FUN!
         Giant inflatables for you to try!
 Image result for inflatables

Sell one box* of popcorn = 15 min extra time outside

Sell two boxes* of popcorn = 15 min extra time outside plus you get to bring a friend along to enjoy the fun!

Sell three or more* boxes of popcorn = 15 min extra time outside with a friend - plus you are invited to an ice cream party!

*For round 2 – you must have sold the popcorn AFTER the original fundraiser with the Pokemon prizes

There will be a permission slip at the bottom of the flyer, you will need to have a guardian sign agreeing to be responsible to return money for the popcorn sold OR unopened bags of popcorn if you can't sell it all.  

Turn the money / popcorn in  ON OR BEFORE MAY 11th - make sure you put your name on your popcorn money envelope.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Be the Good - Popcorn Day

THEre is 

GOOD in the 

Gourmet Popcorn Day

Friday April 20th

Because everyone deserves something EXTRA great sometimes.

$2 per bag of popcorn

Image result for popcorn clipart

Buy one for you & one for a friend!

You can make a difference

Be the Good!

Friday, April 13, 2018

April 11th PTA meeting

Here's what happened at the last pta meeting
Report of Executive Board:
Fundraiser – Plan for the rest of the popcorn -
look for flyers in your kids backpacks next week
Look for information about the Month of the Military child coming home sometime soon.
Report on visit from Council Reps
Roy Council will no longer have commenting turned on, on any facebook page, see the social media post for more info
Commitee chairs were nominated for next year
Committee Reports (3 min. each)
Field Day - is on track for Thur May 24th - lots of fun activities, There will be an online sign up to help, or you can sign up on a flyer near the office, or shoot an email to westhavenpta@gmail .com and we'll get your info to the right person
Fun Run - vote passed at the last meeting the plan is to hold it next fall, look for lots of information next year.
Box Tops - keep sending them in - they are a great way for the school to earn a little extra money
Additional Reports
Shared info from risk management
Teacher Rep.:
Spring Dance is coming up on April 20 you should have received one flyer already and another will be coming soon.
6th grade Etiquette lunch is coming up on May 16th
Miscellaneous Business
West Haven City – Planning Meeting 4/16 4pm to 7pm
Next Meeting Wed. May 9th at 1:45pm