Monday, January 14, 2013

Reflections Theme for 2013-2014 School Year

2013-2014  Reflections  Theme

Believe, Dream, Inspire

You have 9 months to work on your entry!
Let's get started!
For more information about the National PTA Reflections Program please visit 


Friday, January 11, 2013

Reflections Awards - Roy Council

Roy Council Reflections Awards (for West Haven Students) 

The recipients of awards of excellence at the council awards assembly will go on to compete in the regional Reflections contest.  This year we have six students from West Haven advancing.

Award of Excellence in 3D  Skylynn Humble
Award of Merit in 3D Lindsey Pagano

Award of Excellence in Dance Devri Freeman

Award of Excellence in Film Production Sidney Ventura

Award of Excellence in Literature   Coltrin Humble, Maddie Bernier
Award of Merit in Literature Porter Farley

Award of Merit in Photography Coltrin Humble, Kate Benson, Lindsey Pagano

Award of Excellence in Visual Arts Sofia Kenrick
Award of Merit in Visual Art Devery De Herrera

We do not receive this list in advance, we try to record everyone's awards at the ceremony but if you or your student received an Award of Merit and we missed it please let us know. (You can leave a message in the office)