Wednesday, December 13, 2017

West Haven Hawks Perform

Congratulations to Mrs. Roche and our West Haven Hawks for a terrific performance!
Harmony Hawks Holiday Concert 2017

Friday, November 10, 2017

November is Healthy Lifestyles Month

The Healthy Lifestyles Initiative provides PTAs with education and tools to partner with schools and advocate for healthy changes in nutrition and physical activity. In a healthy school:
  • All students have opportunities to be physically active on a regular basis.
  • All students have access to regular physical education.
  • District wide wellness policies are developed, implemented and evaluated with input from students, parents, staff and interested community members.

What PTAs Can Do

    Learn More

    • Healthy Schools Program (Alliance for a Healthier Generation): An evidence-based initiative that will helps schools improve physical education, health education, and nutrition.
    • HealthierUS Schools Challenge (USDA): A voluntary certification initiative recognizing those schools enrolled in Team Nutrition that have created healthier school environments through promotion of nutrition and physical activity.
    • Fuel Up to Play 60 (National Dairy Council and the NFL): An in-school nutrition and physical activity program to help students make positive changes in their schools.
    • Thriving Schools (Kaiser Permanente): A targeted, multiyear initiative offering free tools and resources to improve the health of students, staff and teachers in K–12 schools.
    • Parents for Healthy Schools (CDC): A a set of resources to help schools, PTAs and school wellness committees engage parents to create healthy school environments.

    Monday, October 30, 2017

    Red Ribbon Week

    Image result for red ribbon images

    Did you know that the best way to keep kids off drugs is to talk to them about the dangers of drug use?  The best way to prevent bullying is to talk to them about what it is and how to prevent it, the best way to help them make good choices is to model good choice making.
    Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers, Friends and Family.  Together we can make a BIG difference in the lives of our WEST HAVEN HAWKS!

    Red Ribbon Week Activities are fun and silly but their real purpose is to bring up topics that need to be discussed.

    Check out the Schools website for a schedule of this weeks events. (see link above)

    Wednesday, September 27, 2017

    Royal Family Movie Night

    Friday the 13th-Family Movie Night
    The original Ghostbusters Movie

    Families and Friends of all Roy 
    (and surrounding area) schools invited!
    Friday, October 13, 2017
    Roy High School Practice Field

    (the large grassy area next to the track/athletic field 
    between Sand Ridge Junior High and Roy High)
    Dress for the evening weather!

     $2 PTA or PTSA members
    $10 (family of 6 or more)

    $3 non-members            
     $15 (family of 6 or more)  
     Hot Chocolate $1
    Donuts $1
    All proceeds support Roy High PTSA!

    *Roy High Clubs will be selling Miscellaneous Items*
    See Roy High PTSA on Facebook for more information

    sponsored by:

    Friday, September 15, 2017

    Parent Night

    Please Join Us

    In celebrating
    National Family Dinner Night
    “Picnic in the Park”
    in conjunction with
    Weber School District’s Roy Cone
    Parent Night
    September 25th, 2017
    At Roy City’s Sand Ridge Park
    4400 South 2100 West
    From 6:00pm to 7:00pm
    Event Hosted by:
     Roy City & Weber School District Roy Cone

    Free Dinner

    Informational Booths & Fun Activities

    Wednesday, July 26, 2017

    Registration Information from West Haven Elementary

    You can access the portal to register you student(s) here:  Weber School District Web Page

    Click on the MYWEBER on the top right hand corner to access the Portal

    After you click here you will need to login.

    After you successfully login you should see a list of your students along the left hand of the page on the RIGHT TOP you will see REGISTER STUDENTS click that

    Again you will see a list of your students on the left hand side, digitally sign the registration forms listed below for each of your students and have them do the same.  (obviously some help will be needed for the littles😉 ).


     Registration Instructions 2017

    Wednesday, July 19, 2017

    Proposed Student Drop-off/Pick up procedures.

    Parents, PTA and school administration have been meeting to review and suggest changes to improve our current drop-off/pick-up procedures. Our goal is to increase student safety and decrease parental frustration.
    Proposed changes include:
    *Moving the bus lane to the south side of the school
    *Converting the current bus lane to an additional drop-off area
    *Making the access from the drop-off to the parking lot one-way
    Please see attached pictures. We invite you to share feedback, concerns or suggestions based on this proposal before we make a final decision. Thank you for your support.

    No automatic alt text available.

    PTA in the Park

    Do you have great ideas for school activities? Are there programs or projects you would love to see happen? Do you have connections that could benefit our kids and our school? Are you just looking for some friends or maybe a way to have a voice in the way things are run? The PTA will be hosting PTA in the Park. . . 

    August 1st10amWest Haven Sports Park

    (the park to the North of West Haven Elementary)

    Bring your kids
    Bring your ideas
    Meet someone new

    If you can't attend please feel free to comment with your ideas here or in the West Haven Elementary PTA facebook group

    Image result for park graphics

    Every Kid in A Park

    Every Kid In A Park Logo

    Hey fourth graders! See America’s natural wonders and historic sites for free

    Sunday, July 9, 2017

    Classroom Supplies list

    It's about that time, no not back to school, but school supply shopping time.  If you want to get the best deals  it helps to shop early.  I found an older classroom supply list, while it might not be exactly right, it doesn't seem to change much each year so this is a good place to start.

    Why should you join the PTA?

    Well besides the obvious benefits of ...making school a better place for kids (and their families), getting to know your kids teachers and classmates, providing enrichment activites that add to your child's education and meeting new friends yourself you can also . . . 

    Save Money with Member Benefits Providers

    MBP logo

    Whether you're buying school supplies for the kids or renting a car for your next family vacation, PTA members can save money on everyday purchases thanks to National PTA's Member Benefits Provider Program.**
    National PTA teams up with businesses committed to supporting PTA’s mission of serving all children by offering our members special discounts, fundraising opportunities and other unique deals.

    Tuesday, May 30, 2017

    Summer Fun

    Image result for school is out enjoy your summer

    Summer Saturday program which offers free admittance to many of Weber county's recreational and cultural facilities.

    Fun Activities and Reading Program for younger grades

    We've found that this program is good for around age 11 and up depending on your child, they will usually let this age group sign up for both programs if they are unsure.

    Wednesday, March 8, 2017

    Arts Night Coming Soon!

    West Haven Elementary
    Text Box: 9

    March 13, 201
    Monday March 13
    Arts Night

    5:00 - 5:10 Band

    5:10 – 5:20 Orchestra

    Please remind your children to line up in the kindergarten hallway
    Five minutes before their scheduled performance.
    Text Box: 9
    5:20 - 4th Grade

    5:30 - 3rd Grade

    5:40 - 1st Grade

    Text Box: 25:50 – Kindergarten

    6:00 – 5th Grade

    6:10 – 6th Grade

    6:20 – 2nd Grade

    6:30 - Harmony Hawks Choir

    Don’t forget to check out the Silent Auction

    & Artwork in each of the Kivas

    Art work will be on sale in each of the kivas.  Only family members may purchase artwork and all proceeds will go towards purchases of safety equipment for our school .

      Any donation will be gratefully accepted, we suggest $5 per piece.  

    You can also bid on many great items in the main kiva, these donations have been kindly provided by members of our community and  families of our students.

    Concessions will be available.

    THANK YOU to ALL who help to make this great WEST HAVEN HAWK  event a success!!!!